Events / Hope Center Clocks & Sleep Club

Hope Center Clocks & Sleep Club

March 10, 2023
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Zoom / BJC Institute of Health 9AB (Medical Campus)
  • Melanie Ford (Shaw lab, WashU Neuroscience) “Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Fragmentation and Social Jet Lag increase temperature preference in Drosophila”
  • Aaron Cone (Norris lab, WashU Anesthesiology), Spencer Blackwood (Lee lab, WashU Neurology) with a brief introduction by Eric Landsness (WashU Neurology)
    “Population of medial preoptic area neurons that regulate metabolism, temperature and arousal”

Hybrid Event: *NOTE Location: Zoom/Farrell LTC 205
There will be food, drink and conversation for those attending in-person!

For virtual meeting information email the Hope Center or Erik Herzog.